Monday, August 28, 2006
Today is d-day. It is only a couple of hours into d-day, thus the printing and the collating continues. But d-day it is, nonetheless.

D-day, of course, means Dissertation day (and hopefully not disaster day). This morning (later this morning...) we will take our freshly printed dissertations to be bound and disposed of in the English department...

But the far more important aspect of D-Day is that it is also Dona's birthday (see how I themed that?... Pretty good for so late...).

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dona, who has already had her dissertation bound (grrr).

Unfortunately the picture is not of a cake we so kindly made for Dona, but something I pilfered offline because I thought it really should have been a cake we made for Dona. Since today is also Carrot Day... the big carrot at the end of the D-writing process.

I may have used up all my intellect on the D-thingy... I feel like my brain is sliding through the printer along with the paper and ink.
posted by Anna at 9:10 PM | Permalink |