Wednesday, August 09, 2006
pastry heaven
I have developed a new addiction.

Maple Pecan Danish.

Oh my.

The smell is incredible. I went to Sainsbury's today and bought two boxes of two, just because I couldn't leave them there... I just couldn't do it. These things are heavenly. There's the flakey pastry, the crunch of pecan and, best of all, the gooey mapley bit inside. One of these and an Earl Grey and I'm perfectly content.

The only problem is there are two more sitting in a box in the kitchen... just waiting...
posted by Anna at 6:15 PM | Permalink |


  • At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    What a lovely blog! Very nicely laid out and much of interest to me *smiles*

  • At 7:58 PM, Blogger Brian Sibley

    What a pity Exeter is so far from London!

    But, never mind,I will be passing a shop that sells these utterly delicious items first thing tomorrow morning... Yum!! :-)