Sunday, November 12, 2006
across the pond
It's late, and I'm tired out of my mind, but there's just something so neat about free wireless in a hotel room, so I wanted to take advantage of it and blog. It's been a long day, but lukily only one flight, and here I am in Atlanta at a hotel that seems to lie directly under the flight path of every aircraft landing at Hartsfield. Plus, the people across the hall have decided it is time to paaaar-tay. Lucky jet-lagged me.

Today (what is today? Today English time: Nov 13) is my little brother's twentieth birthday. I feel old.

I have no idea how I'm going to manage to stay awake enough for eleven interviews in two days. What's the opposite of Xanax?

Tomorrow I will get up early (feeling refreshed....?), perhaps work out in the hotel's fitness center before breakfast (erm... did I emphasize the perhaps enough there? I'm trying to be idealistic here), and then I'll take the hotel shuttle back to the airport to rent a car from Alamo and begin my drive to Birmingham, Alabama. Hopefully, I'll get to meet up with Rachel there tomorrow evening after she gets off work! Interviews Tuesday and Wednesday, and then a late night flight out of Atlanta to New Orleans, where Lori will meet me. (Can I admit to nerves and the slight desire to fast forward until Wednesday night?!)

One thing at a time. Thing number one: bed.

Night night!
posted by Anna at 10:27 PM | Permalink |


  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger lorinb79

    It's such a nice surprise to find a post from you! No need to be nervous about the interviews. Just be your fabulous self and knock their socks off. They're already impressed with you or you wouldn't have eleven interviews.

  • At 6:09 AM, Blogger Brian Sibley

    What's the latest news....??